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The SAGA team had the unique opportunity to do a dynamic presentation with some of University of Pacific most gifted and talented athletes. A diverse group representing many of the athletic teams came together to learn how mental health can impact the lives of athletes. Led by founders Oshalique Bass and Aaron White, a comprehensive, engaging, and entertaining program was displayed to the audience. Both team members were able to share their own personal experiences as well as their expertise on how to navigate life as an athlete. They were also able to share coping skills to help the UOP athletes in their journey along the way. Here’s a short clip of what some had to say:
S.A.G.A co-founders, Aaron White & O’Shalique Bass capture a lasting moment with the Franklin High-School (Stockton, CA)- girls varsity basketball team after walking the team through a mental wellness skills training. S.A.G.A’s mental skills training is a unique way that brings awareness to mental health through team-building activities.

S.A.G.A’s O’shalique Bass wraps up a customized pre-season mental wellness check in with Lincoln’s High School Dance team. Through SAGA’s team exploration activities the team was able identify some barriers and set some expectations for the team to preform at their optimal potential at the start of the season.

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